Book Reviews,  Fiction

Treasure by Oyinkan Braithwaite

Author: Oyinkan Braithwaite
Release Date: 2020 (Hush Collection)

Formats Available: Kindle (free on unlimited), Audible (£1.99)

Genre: Dark Fiction
Setting: Lagos, Nigeria

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Treasure by Oyinkan Braithwaite follows the story of an aspiring Instagram influencer, Treasure, who carefully curates a glamorous online persona—one far removed from her actual life. She borrows her wealthy employer’s belongings to maintain the illusion, as she works in an affluent estate in Lagos, hoping to grow her follower count and eventually monetise her presence on social media. Her life takes a dark turn when she crosses online paths with @Sho4Sure, a man who must be struggling with mental health issues because there are no other plausible explanations for what follows next. A shocking and tragic incident unfolds, altering the course of Treasure’s carefully constructed world. The story is divided into 11 short sections, each adding to the suspense and intrigue.

What I Loved

This was a fast-paced and gripping read, easily completed in one sitting. The plot twists were unexpected and left me stunned—I had to reread the last two sections just to process what had happened. The escalation of events was both intense and masterfully executed.

What I Wanted More Of

The ending left me with lingering questions. Did Treasure remain in that house? Did she lose her job? Was she able to achieve her dream of Instagram fame? And what about @Sho4Sure? Did he continue his plans with Treasure? Also, what became of Sammy? I found myself craving more closure.


Treasure is a dark and thought-provoking short story. If you enjoy fast-paced narratives with unexpected turns, this one is definitely worth your time.

reasure by Oyinkan Braithwaite book cover – book review on African Queens' Ink, celebrating the words of African women.
Review of Treasure by Oyinkan Braithwaite – A gripping, dark short story exploring themes of social media, survival and ambition.

About the Author

Oyinkan Braithwaite is a Nigerian-British writer best known for her debut novel, My Sister, the Serial Killer (2018). Born in Lagos, Nigeria, she spent part of her childhood in Nigeria and the UK. She studied Creative Writing and Law at Kingston University in London before building a career as a writer and editor. Before her breakthrough novel, Braithwaite contributed to Nigerian publications as a journalist, illustrator, and editor. To explore more of her work, visit her Linktree

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